İstanbul-Anadolu HisarıRestoGuide
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Karaca Han
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Rumelihisari, Yahya
Kemalcad. 10,
Fish Restaurant,
(212) 265 29 68

Karaca-Han, founded in 1958, is one of the oldest restaurants in Rumelihisari. With a terrace overlooking the Bosphorus, it is one of the few traditional fish restaurants which has not adopted an "arabesque" style. The management gives the highest priority to food quality and prompt,cheerful service. Fresh fish and seafood are served in traditional style in a relax atmosphere. The most popular specialties are fish "baked on shingles", shrimp casserole and
squid. Generally, older and wealthier customers go there who prefer to have good food and conversation. Meals are served from 12:00 to 01:00. Prices are reasonable. Reservation ahead of time is recommended to obtain seats on the second and third floor. (Candan Ölçer, Bilkent univerity, Student, TOMYO)

Arka Bahçe
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Rumelihisari, Kalebahçe sok. 19, Cafe-Bar
(212) 265 38 48

Arka Bahçe is a café-bar situated in a back street of Rumalihisari, one of the oldest neighborhoods in Istanbul. It is an ideal refuge from the perpetual noise of Istanbul in every season. There are big trees in the garden which provide shelter against the sun in the summer. There is also a stove which spreads warmth in the winter. You can relax in one of the hammocks laid out in the garden on summer days or use one of the sofas inside, enjoying your drink when it's snowing outside. Summer brunches served on Sundays resemble home cooking very much. You can enjoy the special "hors d'oeuvre plate" served with smily service. Arka Bahçe is a popular spot for young men and women in their twenties or thiirties. It is open every day from 10:30 to 2:00. Considering its authentic and relaxed atmosphere and the quality of the food,prices are reasonable. (Candan Ölçer, Bilkent Üniversitesi, Oğrenci, TOMYO)